How to buy the best outdoor TV

How to buy the best out-of-door TV

Samsung The Terrace
(Figure credit: Samsung)

Thought process about purchasing an outdoor TV? Perchance you were wowed by a garnished outdoor setup on Instagram or a towering-end house renovation connected HGTV. Maybe you've dreamed of barbecuing during the big game, surgery watching movies while you overcharge in a hot vat. Whatever the motivation, acquiring a TV setup outside International Relations and Security Network't as simple as dragging your favored OLED out into the backyard.

If you've looked at past reviews for the SunBriteTV Veranda OR the SunBriteTV Pro 2, you've plausibly wondered what the big gun was about these other than average looking TVs. As a matter of fact, out-of-door TVs are a specialized category that sits separate from the vast majority of 4K TVs and smart TVs you'll discover on our uncomparable TV list. With unequaled features, like weatherproofing and sunlight visibility, a good outdoor TV may cost a pretty penny, just it will be a worthwhile investment every time you bask a flic Beaver State show in the comfort of your backyard.

What is an outside TV?

Outdoor TVs - waterproofing

(Image reference: Samsung)

Outdoor TVs are – surprisal, surprise – TVs that are successful for use away. They're built to atomic number 4 viewable in sunshine, defy the weather and make it all sorts of stuff that would render the median Telly broken and useless.

Given that just taking a regular TV outside will annul the warranty and risk surpassing the advised operating temperatures, you definitely want to fetch a TV that's built for the elements before you assemble a movie night by the pool.

What makes an outdoor TV distinguishable?

So what makes an outdoor TV different? What gives them their weather-proof, temperature defying, bug-repelling superpowers? Fortunate, just like-minded a rugged phone or a ToughBook laptop, they're specially successful to survive exactly the sort of things that are so bad for regular TVs.

Here's a quick list of design tweaks that any intellectual outdoor TV will offer:

  • Durable materials
  • Sealed vents and utterer grilles
  • Sealed seams, screw holes
  • Weatherproofed port compartments
  • Integral temperature management

Indoor TVs use plastic construction, depend on passive flow of air for cooling, and have zero protections against moisture, temperature changes or other hazards. In fact, just seance in direct sunshine for a few minutes can call for a regular TV on the far side the safe operating temperature.

Outdoor TVs - air intake filter

(Simulacrum credit: SunBriteTV)

Outdoor TVs, but then, use full-metal enclosures, rusty-resistant pulverise coat paint, and impact tolerant glass on the display. Active heating and cooling – literally, built-in cooling fans and even small heaters – are wont to keep the internals cool in the summer and warm in the wintertime. And all seam, screw hole and gap connected the TV exterior is either glued, caulked or fitted with gaskets and filters to keep unclaimed material out.

Outdoor TV - media bay

(Simulacrum credit: SunBriteTV)

And then in that respect's the issue of sunlight. Outdoor TVs have to compete with the power of the sun, and they ut this with a combination of opposing-public eye coatings, specialised filters, higher-than-average screen brightness and even automatic project adjustments that adapt as the sun goes down.

Outdoor TV - waterproof remote control

(Image credit: Samsung)

And IT's non just the TV that necessarily to embody built for the weather. Remote controls have to likewise withstand water system and dirt – the remote that comes with Samsung's Terrace TVs carries an IP56 rating!

Other accessories get the weatherproofing treatment, as well. Soundbars utilize woofers and tweeters that are resistant to temperature changes and sealed against moisture. TV mounts use anodized coatings and industrial-strength paint to prevent rust and corrosion.

The bottom blood is that when IT comes to TVs, anything that's going to be secondhand outdoor needs to Be purpose-built for outdoor use.

How much do outdoor TVs cost?

The most affordable outdoor TVs aren't as well terribly valuable, ringing up at prices familiar to other premium 4K TVs, opening around $1,000. Merely they go up considerably equally the quality and rugged features increase, with top models upcoming in at $3,000-5,000 or more. But that beamy variety in pricing accommodates a wide variety, as diametrical lighting and environmental conditions require assorted levels of protection and hardware optimization.

Two of our favorite TVs illustrate this difference clear. The 55-inch SunBriteTV Gallery, organized for full-shade use, sells for a pretty reasonable $1,999. The 49-edge SunBriteTV Pro 2, along the early helping hand, is viewable in direct sunlight, and lists for $4,999.

What are outside TVs good for?

So why would you deficiency an outdoor TV? Substantially, Here are fewer scenarios:

If you hold a nice outdoor patio setup, it lavatory glucinium a courteous place to enjoy a family unit meal, or to sit and socialise with guests. But why cease the beautiful outdoor evening to go inside and watch a movie? With an outdoorsy Idiot box, you potty bring movie night outside, so that you can lul enjoy the perfect summer evening. Pelting or shine, hot or coldness, an outdoor TV can be left outside without worry nigh it being ruined by a chilly night or unexpected shower.

Outdoor TVs - TV by the hot tub

(Image credit: Nonpareil-AV)

If you sustain a swimming pool or a igneous tub, outdoorsy TVs make the perfect companion technology, rental you kick plump for and watch your favorite shows while you lounge in the kitty. The waterproofing offered connected outdoor TVs substance you'll ne'er have to worry about your pricey TV being destroyed by a simple splash of water.

If you need a Television for the service department OR tool around shed – a common oasis for husbands and handy types – you can savour your favorite shows or even games without distressing that you'll lose your expensive TV to the cold or damp.

You get the idea. Anytime you've mentation "wouldn't it be precooled to have a TV out here?" you can now start thinking, "Hey, maybe I should put a TV out here."

Let's be honest, non everyone needs an outdoor Television. If you'atomic number 75 happy to do your movie observation and gaming indoors, then you'll be just fine doing that. Simply if you want to enjoy a movie dead in the backyard, or watch a show while you tinker out in the service department, an open-air TV is probably what you demand.

And one of the biggest customer groups for outdoor TVs aren't the usual TV watchers, or flatbottom home theatre enthusiasts. It's moneymaking buyers, who use outdoor TVs in the outdoor seating of restaurants, by the swimming pool at hotels and other places where outdoor Television sets make gumption.

Why are outdoor TVs sol expensive?

Hither's the thing. You should never try to wont a regular Goggle bo outdoors. Not long term, non for a single good afternoon. Just hold in your user manual – pickings your TV foreign is frequently enough to void your warranty. And anybody informatory you otherwise should foot the notice when you accidentally ruin a $2,000 Idiot box. Interior TVs simply aren't made for open-air use.

For one thing, they're nearly unusable. Sunlight makes most displays unwatchable, washing out the colors and rendering key aspects of picture quality debate – the like contrast and cleverness.

Outdoor TVs - anti-reflective screen

(Image credit: Samsung)

Audio is just about as bad, since interior TVs are configured to capitalise of walls and ceilings to reflect sound. Take off the walls, and that superb audio suddenly doesn't sound soh neat.

Simply more than that, the great open has a plenty of shipway to ruin a TV. Weather can equipment casualty a TV in several ways – wet on the internals will do that pretty quick, whether it's a stray drop from a sprinkler or condensation after a humid twenty-four hour period. And if you're near the sea, that salty air is even worse, causing tight erosion.

Temperature fluctuations add the possibility of turn that moisture into ice, and fitted parts can separate or warp from cold or heat. Being ready-made for the dry, temperature controlled environs of your home, most TVs aren't made to resist weather of any sort.

Only there are other Video-killers out in your backyard. Like dust and debris. OR bugs.

Yeah, bugs. They're actually a pretty big problem for outdoor Telecasting use, because the combination of dark, narrow TV chassis designs and the warmth generated by the electronics in spite of appearanc make unsealed TVs a prime spot for bugs to bunk down and start construction nests. And you really don't want to risk having a nuzzle of silverfish or spiders or wasps exclusive your TV.

How to buy the best outdoorsy TV

Outdoor TVs - Furrion outdoor model

(Image recognition: Furrion)

We've tested and reviewed several outdoor TVs over the years, and buying ace requires thinking about a fewer Florida key factors. Extraordinary are unwashed to all TVs, comparable picture caliber and support for features like high propellant cast (HDR) content, just others are peculiar to outdoorsy models.

Before shopping for a TV you should also think about where the TV is releas to be installed, what rather sunlight pic IT has during different times of day, and how information technology testament personify mounted. Individual TVs may also ask you to grease one's palms accessories like mounting gear and outer speakers, so that should factor into your budgeting as you weigh your options.

Resolution: As with any other TV, you'll minute land your options considerably away knowing what you want. We definitely recommend going with a 4K display, as 8K TVs aren't available in outdoor models yet, and Full HD sets just flavor disappointing compared to modern 4K TVs.

Size up: You'll want to go self-aggrandizing with your outdoor TV. All of our regular advice about optimal viewing distance and TV position still hold avowedly with outdoor models, but you can expect to feature narrower viewing angles and seating room is much likely to be farther indorse than it would represent in your living way.

Port selection: You'll also want to confirm that the TV has each of the connections you need, whether it's HDMI ports for media players and game consoles, or Wi-Fi Beaver State Ethernet for forward functions and streaming.

Here's where things differ a trifle from indoor TVs – your home theatre gear might not live anyplace near your TV, especially if it's not made for outdoor role. Sol you'll deficiency to consider more involved AV setups. Thankfully, many outdoor TVs offer options like HDBaseT, which transmits ultra-high-definition picture, audio and Ethernet in the TV's power cable, or 4K over Ethernet, which lets you charg high-resolution signals over thirster distances than standard HDMI cables can handle.

HDR indorse: One feature that's oft missing from outdoor TVs is HDR support. The boosted brightness of the display and the varied light conditions of outside viewing aren't always conducive to HDR happy, so some manufacturers opt to skim it entirely. Others pop the question HDR, and even automatic adjustment to lodge lighting changes, but those features cost extra. We like HDR in normal TVs, but hither, it might glucinium more expensive than you want to deal with.

Smart features: Likewise, one thing that's a lot harder to find in an outdoor Television receiver is smart functionality. The bulk of outdoor TVs are so-called dumb TVs offering a display and audio frequency, but none of the online capability or app support that nearly modern TVs go with. You can recover a few smart outdoor TVs, but IT may just personify easier to collect matchless of the best moving devices to add the platform of your choice.

Outdoor TVs - sunlight vs. shade

(Image credit: Furrion)

Sunlight surgery shade: As you deal alfresco models, you'll see that some are rated for full shade, others for partial sunlight, and a few rated for full sunlight visibility. Generally speaking, the more sunlight a TV is built to contend with, the more expensive the TV will be. Merely even without the question of cost, it's still worthwhile to know where your outdoor TV is going to be, and how much sunlight it will be exposed to.

Accessories: Many outdoor TVs hop other than basic features, like speakers, ready to reduce costs, only also to provide a better solution, like a waterproofed soundbar, which leave ply well better audio quality than built-in speakers. Other accessories you should consider buying include weatherproofed climbing brackets and Television receiver covers to protect the TV when it's not in use.

Installation: Finally, if there's ever an instance where professional installation is a good idea, it's an outdoor TV. The whole endeavor is more complex than whatever median TV frame-up, especially if you want to mount the Telly near a pool or hottub, hang it above a hearth OR near a barbeque, install separate speakers or connect to upstage AV equipment without running cables across your lawn.

All in all, it's deserving remembering that an outside Idiot box is stacked for a specific limit of circumstances, and you want to find the model that optimum matches the specifics of your backyard, deck, pool cabana Beaver State other out-of-door state of affairs.

Where to buy an outdoor TV?

Outdoor TVs - Samsung Terrace

(Image course credit: Samsung)

Unlike your usual Samsung or LG TVs found connected our outflank TVs number, you won't be likely to find many outdoor TVs in the TV gangway of your local electronics retail merchant. Alternatively, you'll largely cost limited to shopping online, or finding strong point retailers that concentre connected outdoor installations.

For online shoppers, you canful find a practiced number of outdoor TVs through major retailers suchlike Amazon and Best Buy. These include brands that we've reviewed, like SunBriteTV and Samsung, likewise as those we haven't, like Unrivalled-Av and Furrion.

And if you want an even broader selection of outdoor models, you can shop the manufacturers now, through their individual websites. Some of the most democratic open-air TV brands include Samsung, SunBriteTV, Unmatched-Ab, Furrion, Séura and SkyVue.

Brian Westover

Brian Westover is an Editor program at Tomcat's Guide, covering everything from TVs to the latest PCs. Prior to joining Tom's Guide, he wrote for TopTenReviews and PCMag.

How to buy the best outdoor TV


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